Inner GoddessShe had power over the most magnificent forces on Earth, but she still did not feel like she had power over the most important thing of all—her own heart.” Josephine Angelini, Goddess 6625111_8101a6625122_d6c0f6625171_e27c66625159_9602a6625137_5b1856625168_919eb6625115_8c7746625101_d60ab6625153_761d66625128_690b86625094_471486625146_8b6276625139_8d7d2
She had power over the most magnificent forces on Earth, but she still did not feel like she had power over the most important thing of all—her own heart.” Josephine Angelini, Goddess 6625111_8101a6625122_d6c0f6625171_e27c66625159_9602a6625137_5b1856625168_919eb6625115_8c7746625101_d60ab6625153_761d66625128_690b86625094_471486625146_8b6276625139_8d7d2