Build A Scarecrow
Build a Scarecrow Day is a unique and fun festival that is celebrated each year in the USA on the first Saturday in July. When I first started research on this special day, I thought it should have been held in the fall. My logic was that Scarecrows are a big hit in decorating during the fall, and are associated with harvest scenes. But, then I realized the error in the logic....... Scarecrows are built to stand out in the garden to scare crows and other birds away. The crops are out growing in the field during the summer months. So, if you're going to build a scarecrow for your garden, the time is now. Hence, a July date. Sometimes the scarecrow does his job quite effectively. The birds think someone is in the garden, and they stay away. Other times, they know better. How can you tell that a bird is not scared by a scarecrow? When you see a bird resting upon a scarecrow, you can be pretty certain that the bird has not been fooled.