The year is 1682 when Sun King Louis XIV decides to move his family to Versailles Palace and gather the highest representatives of the aristocracy in France under one roof. He sends out invitations to the most noble lords and their women to join, but it was actually an order that threatened the security of the positions of those who rejected it. Some gladly accepted, others reluctantly. They left their own homes and lands where they lived and headed to the heart of France. Being one of these blue blood members called to Versailles, your task is to make a dress and describe your first impressions of the palace when you arrive in it - the king, the gardens, the room, the rest of the people. What is happening? Are you greeted by the King? Are they indifferent or are they glad to see you? What tribulations happened on the way? Were you tired of waving, do you hate this place already? What are you going to do next? We give you the complete freedom to describe everything that has excited you. Make yourself comfortable, pour a glass of wine and soak in manners and grace from a long-forgotten world. Oh, we heard that tonight Louis organized a spectacular ball! We are going to go, will you come with us? He would have a lot of yummy hors d'oeuvre'sn. We are very curious to meet the others and see what surprises our favorite king has prepared for us!