School Cliques
Ahh high school, the lovely time where everybody except for those at the top of the social pyramid seem to get tortured for four years....

Why does some people want to be famous? Who knows, low self esteem maybe? It seems like a lot of actors, even after they become famous,...

Golden Egg
Which came first: The chicken or the egg? This question has puzzled us from the beginning of time. ...But this week, one of YOU could...

The Saints
"It's time to send in the Saints." ―Benjamin Travis The Saints (also known as Initiative 424 within the ICA) were an elite group of...

Book Characters
Reading opens new perspectives and angles to you, it enables you to familiarize yourself with how other people see the world, it enables...

Lara Croft
I'm a HUGE Lara Croft fan and SO excited with the upcoming new movie starring Alicia Vikander that's being released on the 16th of March....

Bipitty Bopitty Boo!!!
Choose a fairy-tale character and dress her in before and after pictures. Think Cinderella scrubbing versus Cinderella at the ball. Or...

Birthday Girls: Claudia
On Sunday our awesome admin, ClaudiaM25 celebrated her birthday. I won't tell you how old she turned, but I can tell you what she likes...

Valentine's Day Color Palette
A certain collection of standard holiday colors began to emerge as the day became not only about love and relationships, but also an...

Valentines Pet Edition
Did you know: Based on retail statistics, about 3 per cent of pet owners will give gifts to their pets on this day. Are you one of...