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The Penelope and Chloe Series got started in 2017, with an idea I had while looking online at photographs. I was searching for backgrounds for PicMix creations to use in the game comments.
As I looked at the black & white photograph of the man and woman sitting on adjacent park benches, each with their dog, I thought "There's got to be a romantic story here!" So I created the first one. I didn't know yet that I would make it into a series, but each day I would get a new idea for another one. Before long, I had 15 episodes, which have now become the 1st Season.
In the 2nd Season, I decided to write the story first, then found pictures to use with it. That research for pictures led me to the Loire Valley in France, which was the perfect setting.
The more I work on this series, the more I love it, and I hope others enjoy it as well.
- Lady Penelope
Season 1
I can't believer you fell in love with me - Billie Holiday
00:00 / 00:00
Season 2
Christmas Special
Season 3
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