The Towel Challenge
Imagination stimulation is a must on the Valkyries. This week the challenge was to, with a simple towel, create a complete look that was...

The Queens: Card Deck
The Queen is a playing card with a picture of a woman on it. In many European languages, the King and Queen begin with the same letter so...

Prayers for Greece
Unless you've been living under a rock, everyone has heard about the terrible fires in Greece. There's been a lot of suggestions on the...

A robot is a machine—especially one programmable by a computer— capable of carrying out a complex series of actions automatically. Robots...

Drag Queens
A drag queen is a person who usually dresses in hyper-feminized or gender non-conforming clothing, and often acts with exaggerated...

Dog Days of Summer
When is the Dog Days of Summer? July 3 to August 11 Wow, it's sure hot and muggy. That's because we're in the Dog Days of Summer, the...

Flowers of the Forest
Flower of the forest or wildflower is a flower that grows in the wild, meaning it was not intentionally seeded or planted. The term...

Amazons were a tribe of women warriors related to Scythians and Sarmatians. Apollonius Rhodius, at Argonautica, mentions that Amazons...

Build A Scarecrow
Build a Scarecrow Day is a unique and fun festival that is celebrated each year in the USA on the first Saturday in July. When I first...

Women of Rock
For as long as there has been what we now know as classic rock, women have played a big part in its development and success. As early as...